Photo by Chunky Monkey Photography

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Homeschool Room

For Mother's Day, James is buying lunch for me and a couple of friends and sending us on a shopping trip to Ikea.  Yay! Yay! Yay!  I don't have the date picked but I am SO excited.  I also haven't told my shopping buddies yet... I will just send them the link to this blogpost :)  Anyway, I am on the hunt for shelving and desks/tables to make our homeschool room (which is our office) functional and organized.  It's not actually it's own room... there is no door to close to keep toddlers out of it so I have to make sure what ever is in their reach is closed and not open shelving.  I want it to be an inspiring room that is easy to keep organized and decluttered.  I also want it to be a fun room.  I've already picked out some furniture from Ikea - I just need to see it in person to be certain!  Besides the shelving and desks/tables and chairs, a few things on my wish list are:

  • Beanbag chairs or floor cushions
  • Globe (I wouldn't mind having a couple to hang from the ceiling, too)
  • Wall map
  • Wall calendar  (probably something I'll make myself)
  • Desk lamps
  • I would love a school zone sign (if anyone has one that was obtained legally hook me up!)
  • Clock
I know there are some other things I just can't remember right now!  If you have any ideas please let me know. 

Oh, another thing... I am seriously considering moving our bedrooms around again and making a dorm room and a play/game room.  I won't do it if the older two aren't open to the idea but I think it would make things easier.  We all really liked it when we had a sleeping room and a play room before #3 and 4 came along but I know it's a stretch to think a 10 year old is going to want a 1 year old in the same room :)


  1. Don't forget a white board. It don't really like desks. I like cubes, boxes or shelves for each child to keep his school books. Then, I like 1 or 2 tables so that you can do a large project.

  2. Oh yes! A whiteboard! I am leaning more towards tables, also. And then the bean bag chairs for relaxing while you read. Thanks, Sara.
