Okay, here is what our weekly schedule will be like. Of course we'll be flexible with this and the monthly menu but you have to start somewhere, right? You'll see Church Supper as one of the options on Wednesday. At our church you can sign up for Wednesday night supper for $4/person with a maximum of $12 per family... $12 is a bargain for a family of six so when the menu is something we like, then we'll eat there. When it's not, we'll have a light supper of salad or potatoes, or maybe leftovers. I don't have a day dedicated to leftovers because I pack for my husbands lunch and dinner (he works 48 hours at time) from the leftovers. The kids and I sometimes eat leftovers for lunch, too.

Here is the monthly menu. You'll see 31-Dec in the upper left corner because that is the first day of this menu. I have some rearranging to do to make sure my husbands favorites are planned on the days he will be home to have it fresh. And.... I drew a blank on some days. For pizza night, we will be making our own pizza most weeks topped with extra stuff I've prepped for meals earlier in the week. We love homemade pizza but occasionally grab take-n-bake if we happen to be in town and I remember to grab a coupon for Papa Murphy's.
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