We don't have a garden of our own this year (thanks to the dog). James is planning on building a cross fence in the backyard so we can have at least one area the dog doesn't destroy and that will be where our garden will go this fall hopefully! We joined a community supported agriculture program (CSA) through a farm an hour or so from us that delivers to a drop point near by. We have really enjoyed all the fresh vegetables and tasting things we normally wouldn't grow (like eggplant...) The kids aren't on board with the eggplant but James and I loved it roasted. They also include fresh herbs in our box which is great. Last night we had roasted zuchinni and new potatoes with fresh rosemary (all from the farm) seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil. It was delicious and made the kitchen smell amazing! It's really helped on our grocery budget too. I've been able to freeze some things for later (like the bushel of peas we shelled).
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