Just one short month after my sweet mom passed away, we learned that we were pregnant with our 3rd blessing! That was after almost a year of trying. This pregnancy was so much more than the usual blessing of a baby.... He was perfect timing.... in a time that was so sad and painful we had this beautiful baby to look forward to. He was our "one more try for a girl" baby but we were once again relieved and excited to learn that it was another boy. :) As usual, this baby wasn't coming on time so we were scheduled to be induced. I truly expected my water to break at home the nigh before as it had the first two times. But it didn't so we went off to the hospital at our scheduled time and got things started. My aunt Pam and James were there to hold my hand through it all. It took a while for things to get moving but once they did, it got painful (unbearable even WITH an epidural) and went fast (thank God). By fast I mean 7 hours instead of 19 or 21. Ha! But up until the last hour it was slow... then wham bam thank you mam it was time for a baby. He came in to this world with strong lungs and the chubbiest little face. He was beautiful. All 8lbs and 6ozs of him. We all fell in love instantly. His big brother were so proud to meet him.

Over this past year he has really transitioned from a baby into this sweet little boy. His daddy is his best friend. He loves to pick on Henry and he "helps" with Kash a little too much. In his eyes, there is nothing more fun than playing barefoot in the dirt or building something with his tools. He is definitely all boy!
Happy Birthday Cracker Jack! We love you!
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