We like pizza... or rather pizza toppings... in many forms! We like pizza. We like calzones. We like pepperoni rolls. We like pizza bread... Get my drift? We have been making our own pizza crust lately using a focaccia bread recipe of a friend (SUPER EASY).

A while back we made a savory monkey bread using garlic butter instead of cinnamon and sugar and stuffed each piece of dough with a cube of mozzarella and a slice of pepperoni.

The boys were requesting this again but I decided to combine the too.. I used the focaccia bread recipe for the dough. Another change I made is instead of one big loaf of bread, I used a muffin tin and put 3 dough balls in each muffin cup like you would do for cloverleaf muffins.

Bake at 475 for about 15 minutes, brush with butter, sprinkle with grated parmesan and serve with tomato sauce.

Henry added more sauce on top of his.

Nelson loved the stringy cheese!

Jack tore in to his pretty quick!

Here, have a taste... you know you want one!

I mean just look... yummy gooey cheese, pepperoni, soft herbed focaccia bread...

These went fast. I'll have to double up on the recipe next time. Enjoy!
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